Friday’s Feature Quote – Plus Interesting Reads – 06/23/2023

One of the first things that happens when a man is really filled with the Spirit is not that he speaks with tongues, but that he learns to hold the one tongue he already has.

—J. Sidlow Baxter (1903-1999), pastor, theologian

Bible Truth Behind the Quote: Paul noted that the fruit of the Holy Spirit included such virtues as love, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Such virtues play a critical role in controlling the tongue!

Ron Rhodes, 1001 Unforgettable Quotes about God, Faith, & the Bible (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011).

Whenever most folks discuss, preach, or read Galatians 5:22-23 the discussion centers around “The Fruit of the Spirit.” While there is no denying that is a major theme of this passage, our quote for today forces us to look deeper than the Holy Words printed. By that I mean the consequences of having such “Fruit.”

I can not count the number of times someone has said (I call it easy or modern evangelicalism) to me something to the effect that we can not know the “spiritual state” of another person. Put another way, folks say, we can’t tell if so-and-so is a Christian?” Or can we?

The Bible makes it clear that the person who is saved is a changed person (2 Cor 5:17), the Old Self (sinful corrupt self) is dead and the New (blameless in Christ) self is reborn (Romans 6:5-11). A truly converted believer will be changed, they will no longer live for themselves, their old patterns of behavior will be gone, their sinfulness now causes them anguish, and they display the same “Fruits” in public and private. Our quote for today reminds us of one of the most obvious Fruits folks can recognize in a “changed” believer.

Hawker’s Poor Man’s Commentary on Galatians 5:22-23

Americana, Christian Life, Culture/Society, Informed Citizenship, Informed Patriotism, Pro-Life, Military/Veterans, You Can’t Make This Up, and more.

We hope you become informed readers and citizens based both Biblically and upon our founding fathers:

Acts 17:10-12, 2 Tim 2:14-16, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine

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