“Flag Day”, Americana, Plus…- 14 June 2024

. What Is Freedom? True freedom is not primarily a freedom ‘from’ external restraints or a freedom ‘to’ enact our own will but a freedom ‘for’ something greater than ourselves. CONTINUED @ https://adflegal.org/article/what-freedom?sourcecode=11032415_r800&utm_source=pardot&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=flag-day&utm_content=text-link&utm_segment=act-pro FLAG DAY “I pledge allegiance to the Flag and to the Republic …” – A Republic is where the citizens are co-kings! … More “Flag Day”, Americana, Plus…- 14 June 2024

Flag Day is a patriotic spectacle in these all-American communities

Flag Day is embraced each year in a handful of proudly red, white and blue all-American communities with the patriotic pomp normally reserved for July 4th, Independence Day. These cities and towns even vie for Flag Day bragging rights — often with conflicting claims — over who is offering America’s first, biggest or best Flag Day parades … More Flag Day is a patriotic spectacle in these all-American communities