Sunday Sermon Series – “Yielding Obedience” – 05/19/2024

GENESIS 5 GENESIS 5:24 CONTEXT: CHAPTER FIVEContents: Generations from Adam to Noah.Characters: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuseleh, Lamech, Noah.Conclusion: By man came death. In Adam all die. In Christ shall all who believe be made alive.Key Word: Generations, v. 1.Strong Verses: 24.Striking Facts: Enoch, the seventh from Adam was translated and made … More Sunday Sermon Series – “Yielding Obedience” – 05/19/2024

Devotional Thought- “Rogue”- 04/02/2024

a person, organization, or country that does not behave in the usual or acceptable way: CONTEXT: PSALM 16 PSALM 16:2 OVERVIEW: In this psalm’s movement from cry for help to affirmation of God’s rule and blessings, the reformers, propelled by Peter’s apostolic warrant in Acts 2, find the acts of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. Even the psalm’s title—for all our exegetes except Calvin—authorizes … More Devotional Thought- “Rogue”- 04/02/2024

Devotional Thought – “Evildoers” – 03/27/2024

The Bible is clear, “true believers” are to have no part in “worldly” affairs. However, this does not mean we are to abstain from the world completely. To completely separate ourselves from the world in every aspect would mean disregarding the Biblical commands to Make Disciples and to Render unto Caesar… The exposition of our … More Devotional Thought – “Evildoers” – 03/27/2024

Devotional Thought – “Influence” – 03/26/2024

When folks speak about “Influence and Influencers” in today’s high-tech world they are referring to those with a social media presence that affects upawards of millions. The chart below shows just how important social media presence is, those with less than 500 followers and at least 25% engagement per post (I/we are in this category) … More Devotional Thought – “Influence” – 03/26/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024

The best defense is a good offense is an oft-heard quote in military circles that originated or at least is attributed to Jack Dempsey the prizefighter from the 1910s – 1920s. While this sounds good, the fact remains that sometimes offenses stall and other times there is a need for strong defensive fortifications. In the … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024

Devotional Thought for Today -” Holy Servants” 02/06/2024

PSALM 16 PSALM 16:3 CONTEXT: Overview of Ps 16 . v.3 But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.But, i.e. but my goodness extendeth, which is easily understood out of the former verse; from which also there may be fetched another supplement; O my soul, … More Devotional Thought for Today -” Holy Servants” 02/06/2024

Devotional Thought for Today – “Biblical Manhood” and “Moral Relativism”- 02/01/2024

GENESIS 1 GENESIS 1:26-27 CONTEXT CHAPTER ONEContents: Original creation and the renovating of earth for habitation of man. Creation of animal and human life.Characters: God, v. 1. Spirit, v. 2. Christ, 26 (See Col. 1:15–17; John 1:3) first man and woman.Conclusion: An all-wise, all-powerful, loving God formed all things perfect in the beginning. He made … More Devotional Thought for Today – “Biblical Manhood” and “Moral Relativism”- 02/01/2024

Devotional Thought for Today – Plus – 01/29/2024

PSALM 5 PSALM 5:4-6 CONTEXT To the chief Musician upon Nehiloth, A Psalm of David. Nehiloth: this is no where else used in Scripture. It is generally and probably thought to be a term belonging to music, and to signify either some kind of tune, or rather an instrument, and particularly a wind-instrument, as Neginoth … More Devotional Thought for Today – Plus – 01/29/2024

Devotional Thought for Today – 11/22/2023

GENESIS 1:1 Genesis 1 TWISTED SCRIPTURE Genesis 1:1–2 Some religions of the world believe God formed the world from pre-existent matter rather than creating it from nothing. Some also believe there to be a gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. These verses however indicate God created the world from nothing, ex nihilo. Belief … More Devotional Thought for Today – 11/22/2023