“Flag Day”, Americana, Plus…- 14 June 2024

. What Is Freedom? True freedom is not primarily a freedom ‘from’ external restraints or a freedom ‘to’ enact our own will but a freedom ‘for’ something greater than ourselves. CONTINUED @ https://adflegal.org/article/what-freedom?sourcecode=11032415_r800&utm_source=pardot&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=flag-day&utm_content=text-link&utm_segment=act-pro FLAG DAY “I pledge allegiance to the Flag and to the Republic …” – A Republic is where the citizens are co-kings! … More “Flag Day”, Americana, Plus…- 14 June 2024

Devotional Thought “Integrity” and ‘My Faith Votes’ – 06/11/2024

The idea of voting in general and especially voting Biblically, should be a matter of personal integrity to all who claim the title “Christian.” . Earlier proverbs in this collection (Proverbs 25:1) noted a similar idea (Proverbs 28: 12, 15, 28). Godly leadership in a nation generally leads to good outcomes (Proverbs 11:10; 14:34; 20:26; 25:5). Oppressive rulers who ignore … More Devotional Thought “Integrity” and ‘My Faith Votes’ – 06/11/2024

Memorial Day 2024

Today is not about the veterans you meet. Today is a Day of Remembrance for the thousands of our Brothers and Sisters who died in service to our nation. PSALM 77 PSALM 77:5 CONTEXT: PSALM 77: title–v.20 In this individual lament psalm, the psalmist describes the comfort he has found by remembering how God helped … More Memorial Day 2024

Saturday Soldier’s Devotional – “Obliged” – 05/18/2024

Onward, then, ye people,join our happy throng,Blend with ours your voicesin the triumph song;Glory, laud, and honor,unto Christ the King;This thro’ countless agesmen and angels sing. Onward, Christian Soldiers v.4 It may seem unusual to begin with these lyrics for a post entitled “Obliged”. Yet Christians know they are in a fight every day against … More Saturday Soldier’s Devotional – “Obliged” – 05/18/2024

Thoughts – Science and the Existence of God – 05/06/2024

May 01, 2024 by: J. P. Moreland The Limits of Science and Danger of Scientism The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. If there is not a valid scientific explanation for an event or state, then that is not properly an object of our knowledge. In reality, though, there are … More Thoughts – Science and the Existence of God – 05/06/2024

Saturday Soldiers Devotion – “Metal Illness – 05/03/2024

We begin today’s blog post with two quotes. One is a set of statistics based on Veteran suicide/mental illness. The other is the opinion about mental illness by one of our day’s leading Biblical preachers/teachers. After reading these one must, especially if you call yourself a “Christian” take a serious look at the questions posed … More Saturday Soldiers Devotion – “Metal Illness – 05/03/2024

Devotional Thought “Example” – 04/03/2024

delayed posting due to internet issues I seem stuck with my last few posts and today’s post all dealing with similar themes. The connection between “Rogue”, “Biblical Preaching & Teaching” and our devotional today can be summed up by the quotes below: “A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple … More Devotional Thought “Example” – 04/03/2024

Devotional Thought- “Rogue”- 04/02/2024

a person, organization, or country that does not behave in the usual or acceptable way: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rogue CONTEXT: PSALM 16 PSALM 16:2 OVERVIEW: In this psalm’s movement from cry for help to affirmation of God’s rule and blessings, the reformers, propelled by Peter’s apostolic warrant in Acts 2, find the acts of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. Even the psalm’s title—for all our exegetes except Calvin—authorizes … More Devotional Thought- “Rogue”- 04/02/2024

Resurrection Sunday -Sermon Plus… – 03/31/2024

ACTS 26:8 . SERMON . The Resurrection; its Relevance Today A Sermon on the Resurrection from Acts 17:18 PRAYER Thank God for Christ’s Resurrection RELATED Lamb of God sacrificed on Passover; In tomb on Feast of Unleavened Bread; Resurrected on Feast of First Fruits – American Minute with Bill Federer He is Risen! “I know … More Resurrection Sunday -Sermon Plus… – 03/31/2024