Saturday Soldiers Devotion – “Metal Illness – 05/03/2024

We begin today’s blog post with two quotes. One is a set of statistics based on Veteran suicide/mental illness. The other is the opinion about mental illness by one of our day’s leading Biblical preachers/teachers. After reading these one must, especially if you call yourself a “Christian” take a serious look at the questions posed … More Saturday Soldiers Devotion – “Metal Illness – 05/03/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus-“PRIDE?” – 03/16/2024

When I was a child and until the time of the Vietnam War the picture below said it all about the Pride felt by and in America’s service men and women. Americans as a whole were Proud to be American. We unashamedly displayed that pride without reservation. Unfortunately, times have changed, and in less than … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus-“PRIDE?” – 03/16/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus-“Honor” – 03/09/2024

Everyone no matter what they claim desires to be honored. They either want to be recognized for individual accomplishments or for a group/team/unit achievement. In the military, we had badges and ribbons for all sorts of individual achievements honors, and quite a few for the unit as well. An individual soldier and especially a good … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus-“Honor” – 03/09/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional PLUS – “Compass”-02/24/2024

Vietnam Era US Army Issue Lensetic Compass I still have my VN-era-issued compass. This device served me well for many years keeping me on the right path to my objective. . There are two types of Moral Compasses spoken about in the Bible. One I will call Implied, Romans 2:12-16, here we see this in … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional PLUS – “Compass”-02/24/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024

The best defense is a good offense is an oft-heard quote in military circles that originated or at least is attributed to Jack Dempsey the prizefighter from the 1910s – 1920s. While this sounds good, the fact remains that sometimes offenses stall and other times there is a need for strong defensive fortifications. In the … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/13/2024

The goal of all military leaders is victory. Yet the Bible is clear there is only one true and final victory, and it is foreordained. “All enemies shall be put under His feet; and such as resist the melting influence of His grace, shall be crushed beneath the iron rod of His power” – From … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/13/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/06/2024

One thing a service member never plans to do is surrender. By definition, surrender means defeat or better put The actions of a nation in giving up its fight against another nation. This meaning is turned on its head so to speak however when we discuss Spiritual Warfare. In fact, the complete opposite is true, … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/06/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – 12/30/2023

JOHN 16:33 Peace as the Absence of Hostility At times, “peace” indicates the absence of hostilities. In texts where the term “peace” contrasts with warfare, it likely communicates a mere cessation of warfare instead of friendship (Deut 20:10; Judg 4:17; 21:13; 1 Sam 7:14; 1 Kgs 2:5; 5:12; Jer 25:37; Ezek 7:25; Mic 3:5). Ecclesiastes … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – 12/30/2023

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – PLUS – 12/09/2023

Almost everyone knows of D-Day and the great push across France and Belgium to liberate Europe. Few however know of the grueling battle for the town of St Lo, France that allowed the Allied forces to begin their campaign to ultimate victory. The American Forces in Action volume noted, for “the American soldiers, it had … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – PLUS – 12/09/2023

Saturdays Soldiers Devotional-Plus – 11/18/2023

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Ephesians 6:11 Ephesians 6:13 . The Spiritual Battle 1 Kings 18:1–46, Mark 10:17–52, Proverbs 4:8–17 Sometimes our work for God requires severe actions. In these times—ones that we can’t possibly prepare for—we need to rely on the Spirit and its work to empower us. I have always admired Elijah the prophet because … More Saturdays Soldiers Devotional-Plus – 11/18/2023