Devotional Thought – “Final Glory and Judgement” -Part II – 03/14/2024

Continuation of our series, peeling back the layers of Jesus’s final teaching in His Olivet Discourse. Matthew 25 Matt 25:31-46 CONTEXT: See Part I Today we will look at the first three verses of this final discourse. 31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit … More Devotional Thought – “Final Glory and Judgement” -Part II – 03/14/2024


. . Introducing The Topic Does Secularism Provide A Practical Foundation For A Decent Ethical System? Does Christianity Provide A Practical Foundation For A Decent Ethical System? OUR NATIONAL DIVIDE: SECULAR MORALITY VERSUS THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW — PART 4A OUR NATIONAL DIVIDE: SECULAR MORALITY VERSUS THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW — PART 4B

Devotional – Plus Interesting Reads – 07/19/2023

Psalm 119:7 In today’s modern and enlightened world, seemingly the worse thing one can do is judge someone else. Although to me it appears often to be one-sided, that is you better not judge what I have to say y’all better spew any of your lies either. I guess those with opposite views don’t consider … More Devotional – Plus Interesting Reads – 07/19/2023

Friday’s Feature Quote – Plus Interesting Reads – 07/07/2023

Bible Truth Behind the Quote:“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23) Ron Rhodes, 1001 Unforgettable Quotes about God, Faith, & the Bible (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011). HOPE—one of the three main elements of Christian character (1 Cor. 13:13). It is joined … More Friday’s Feature Quote – Plus Interesting Reads – 07/07/2023

Daily Devotional – 05/29/2023- Remembrance

As you know I am a STRONG advocate for always using the Whole Counsel Of God. Recently I read some posts online that implied verses like Genesis 19:23-26, Luke 17:26-32 and Philippians 3:12-14 all point to the fact that “Christians” should never look to the Past.  This is a FALSE TEACHING! – Mike “Freedom is a fragile thing and … More Daily Devotional – 05/29/2023- Remembrance

Devotional -Plus Interesting Reads – 05/22/2023

Evaluating Our Suffering “By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler” (1 Peter 4:15) We must not presume that God blesses every possible kind of suffering a Christian may become involved in. TOPICS: Americana, Christian Life, Culture/Society, Informed Citizenship, Informed Patriotism, Pro-Life, Military/Veterans, You Can’t … More Devotional -Plus Interesting Reads – 05/22/2023

Devotional -Plus Interesting Reads – 05/16/2023

ZEPHANIAH 3 Chapter CONTEXT from Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) – We now return to Jerusalem, and must again hear what God has to say to her, I. By way of reproof and threatening, for the abundance of wickedness that was found in her, of which divers instances are given, with the aggravations of them … More Devotional -Plus Interesting Reads – 05/16/2023