Memorial Day 2024

Today is not about the veterans you meet. Today is a Day of Remembrance for the thousands of our Brothers and Sisters who died in service to our nation. PSALM 77 PSALM 77:5 CONTEXT: PSALM 77: title–v.20 In this individual lament psalm, the psalmist describes the comfort he has found by remembering how God helped … More Memorial Day 2024

Hermeneutics, History and Moralismm – 04/24/2024

. Sola Scriptura would be the anthem of most evangelicals. It was the crushing blow of the Reformation, after all. But what implications does this conviction have upon the way we actually study our Bibles? And how we live our lives? Does Your Hermeneutic Hold to Sola Scriptura? We see around us every day the growth of … More Hermeneutics, History and Moralismm – 04/24/2024

Presidents Day – Americana – 02/19/2024

Take the Quiz . . . . U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 3: Obligations and Responsibilities of the President The Duties & Responsibilities of the US President On Presidents’ Day, Washington and Lincoln Speak to Us from Their Graves Don’t tear down George Washington “Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity, tends manifestly to the … More Presidents Day – Americana – 02/19/2024

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024

The best defense is a good offense is an oft-heard quote in military circles that originated or at least is attributed to Jack Dempsey the prizefighter from the 1910s – 1920s. While this sounds good, the fact remains that sometimes offenses stall and other times there is a need for strong defensive fortifications. In the … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – “Best Defense” – 02/10/2024


. . Introducing The Topic Does Secularism Provide A Practical Foundation For A Decent Ethical System? Does Christianity Provide A Practical Foundation For A Decent Ethical System? OUR NATIONAL DIVIDE: SECULAR MORALITY VERSUS THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW — PART 4A OUR NATIONAL DIVIDE: SECULAR MORALITY VERSUS THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW — PART 4B

Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/06/2024

One thing a service member never plans to do is surrender. By definition, surrender means defeat or better put The actions of a nation in giving up its fight against another nation. This meaning is turned on its head so to speak however when we discuss Spiritual Warfare. In fact, the complete opposite is true, … More Saturday’s Soldiers Devotional – Plus – 01/06/2024

Changing America

There seems to me at least to be a lot of folks speaking out about how BAD the United States of America is these days. Patriotism is a taboo word in some circles and in others looks nothing like that which I grew up with in the 50s and 60s. I read the following from … More Changing America

Devotional Thought – Plus – 11/23/2023

A day late internet ugh! PSALM 100 . His Steadfast Love Endures ForeverA Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!2     Serve the Lord with gladness!    Come into his presence with singing!3 Know that the Lord, he is God!    It is he who made us, and we are his;[a]    we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,    and his courts with … More Devotional Thought – Plus – 11/23/2023

Devotional – Plus- Interesting Reads – 08/10/2023

Most folks even non-Christians know John 3:16, but few true Christians understand the context of the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:9-21). One of the key verses in that conversation is our main text for today. JOHN 3:19 JOHN 3 A.W. Pink’s exposition of John 3:9-21 is one of the best I have found. … More Devotional – Plus- Interesting Reads – 08/10/2023